Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
What conditions are helped by BCT?
Back pain, neck pain
Shoulder problems
Intestinal issues
Breathing problems
Injuries…and more
There is more to life than we realize. There is an invisible force that breaths us and fills us with life. In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCT) we call this force Primary Respiration (PR). PR is the interconnecting movement of wholeness extending beyond the horizon which also governs the metabolism of the body. It is potent. It is vital. It is life. BCT teaches practitioners how to tune into this force, this breath. When a person becomes injured or trauma has occurred, their body constricts around the trauma and tightens, less life force is available to the area and to the person as a whole. BCT re-establishes the breath needed for healing. It is heart centered and mindfulness- based work. The practitioner must find PR within themselves first and then help the client to uncover it in themselves.
The majority of people in the Western world suffer from an epidemic of metabolic syndromes, digestive problems, heart disease and inflammation. Stress is a huge factor in our lives. BCT helps to down regulate the nervous system and lower stress levels. The work with the blood and heart and intestines brings necessary healing to these areas.
What is a treatment like?
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle manual therapy. The client lies down on a massage table. Practitioners are trained for years on how to use acute perception skills to perceive subtle movements in the body.First the practitioner tunes into their own body and wholeness and PR. Contact is made somewhere on the body and the practitioner waits for the client’s body to come to a neutral and relax. It is in this stillness that PR can show itself and do its healing work. BCT s a very light touch because we are contacting and working on the fluid body that is in us and around us. It doesn’t require going deep, it requires stillness and space. Sometimes adding myofascial release work and massage helps to balance the tissues around the restrictions.
BCT is done fully clothed and is very relaxing Who doesn’t need that in this stressful world?
$75/session credit cards and paypal accepted